- The recruitment and staffing agency with a local touch
Who is Vega Consultants?
- The recruitment and staffing agency with a local touch
Our vision
With more than 30 years' experience, and offices in Stavanger - the energy capital - we work for small and large companies in many industries and areas of expertise. Vega Consultants is your local partner in recruitment, temporary staffing and consultancy – whether you are a jobseeker or an employer.
We are passionate about finding the right candidate for the right job, and we contract out and hire consultants in administration, finance, IT, accountancy, engineering, HSEQ, HR, and more.
Personalised service and regular follow-up is how we stand out from the crowd, and we always strive to deliver high-quality services to our customers and consultants.
Because we are always looking to do better!
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Our values
Honesty is the cornerstone of our business. We provide our customers and consultants with honest and constructive feedback in order to help both parties as best we can.
We are committed to delivering candidates of the highest quality. All our candidates are interviewed and reference checked in advance, and we also carry out background checks on our customers. We invest in the relationships we have with our customers and consultants, and our focus on quality underpins this.
We are there for our consultants and customers so they always feel that we have their backs. We respond to enquiries quickly and are flexible in accommodating all parties to facilitate a smooth cooperation.
We believe that joyful working makes a difference. Our consultants are full of good humor and are enthusiastic about their profession and the people they work with.
Meet the team
Grethe Borg
Grethe joined the staffing industry in 1987. She has recruited and staffed for temporary and permanent positions in the following areas: IT, accounting, finance, economics, engineering positions, HR, administration, purchasing, logistics, sales and KAM positions.
She has also worked in a rig company manning rigs in Norway and internationally.
Grethe has extensive experience in operations, both from running her own companies and as a general manager. She has worked as a property manager and technical supplier for new builds and conversions/renovations.
Her educational background is in personnel and organisation, and she has held several positions as HR Advisor and KAM for large international companies.
Grethe uses her network to search for the best candidates. She offers creative solutions, which our customers greatly appreciate. She is both a discussion partner and a supplier – a win-win for both parties.
Kjersti Jonker
Senior Rådgiver (i permisjon)
Kjersti har med seg fire års erfaring som rekrutteringsrådgiver for store rammeavtalekunder innen olje- og energisektoren. Hun har en bachelor i Petroleumsgeologi fra Universitetet i Stavanger, noe som har gitt et godt grunnlag i hennes arbeid innen teknisk rekruttering. Fokus på kompetanse i kombinasjon med interesse for mennesker er grunnlaget i hennes arbeid. For hun vet at kvalitet i prosessen skaper tillit.
Leah Jespersen
Leah er utdannet med master i Human Resource Management ved The Open University, med bakgrunn i Londons forlagsbransje. Hennes internasjonale bakgrunn har gitt henne muligheten til å jobbe med en rekke mennesker, samt erfaring i å sette seg inn i andres ønsker og behov. Leah verdsetter samarbeid, empati og hjelpsomhet, og hun trives best når hun får jobbe med mennesker og hjelpe de i arbeidslivet. Hun mener omtenksom og personlig rådgivning er det som gjør forskjellen.
Kim Olav Svines
Sarah Svabø
Sarah har nylig fullført en mastergrad i organisasjonspsykologi og ledelse ved Handelshøyskolen BI Oslo. Gjennom studier, internship og tidligere arbeidserfaring, har hun fått en bred innsikt i ulike bransjer og menneskelige relasjoner. Hennes interesse for rekruttering ble tydelig allerede ved starten av studiene, og hun har siden vært opptatt av å finne de rette personene til de rette rollene. Med en sterk forståelse av både mennesker og organisasjoner, er Sarah dedikert til å skape verdifulle forbindelser og sikre kvalitet i hver rekrutteringsprosess.
Erik Hammer
Erik is CEO of Sirius Group AS, Vega Consultants’ parent company, and has a degree in civil economics (Cand. Merc.). He has a managerial background in consulting and engineering companies, and has extensive experience from several industries related to oil service, shipping and industrial companies, both locally and internationally. Erik is actively involved in the day-to-day operations of several companies, and is also a founder in his own right. Erik also serves as a board member in several organisations.